Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Wed.’s Devo - There is Hope

Read: Jeremiah 31:27-32:44; 1 Timothy 3:1-16; Psalm 88:1-18; Proverbs 25:20-22
Judgment is only for a set time then it is time for restoration. God could hardly wait to tell them about the good times ahead instead of dwelling on the time of discipline. This is the heart of God - it is always looking for the good and wanting to bless his people. Jeremiah speaks of a day when God will write his laws on their hearts and not just stone. In this day, they will all know the Lord.
Zedekiah asked Jeremiah why he prophesied that the Babylonians would come and destroy them and they would go into captivity, as if Jeremiah could say what he wanted to say. God’s response to his question was to buy a field that would be his inheritance. He was to put the deed in a bottle to be kept until they returned. So his answer was not one of doom but of hope. The Babylonians would come and destroy their land and take them captive, but a day would come when they would return because God is good and wants only what is good for his children. This was not the answer King Zedekiah wanted to hear but it was the truth. Sometimes we don’t want to hear the truth either because it is convicting and uncomfortable. But we can rest assured that God’s plan is for our good and prosperity. God always wants us to live in hope. Hope is knowing that he is love and his plans for us are always good.
Timothy gives us the requirements of a leader. With power and position there is much responsibility. We are to be accountable for our actions and an example of what is right and honorable.
Lord, help us to walk in your light and your truth.

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