Friday, September 22, 2017

Fri.’s Devo - The Mystery of His Will

Read: Isaiah 39:1-41:16; Ephesians 1:1-23; Psalm 66:1-20
Today we read of the last 15 years of Hezekiah’s life. The son of the king of Babylon, Merodah-Baladan heard about Hezekiah’s miraculous recovery and sent him a gift by some of his men. Merodah-Baladan means “rebellion; Baal is lord”. While they were there, Hezekiah showed them all his palace and his wealth.
Isaiah came to visit after they had left and asked him what he showed them. Then he told him that everything he showed them would one day be theirs.
The devil never gives a gift without a selfish intention.
Hezekiah receive the word from Isaiah and was just happy that it wouldn’t happen in his lifetime. He didn’t seem concerned that his sons would one day be eunuchs in Babylon. This shows us the true heart of Hezekiah.
Isaiah 40 is a prophecy about John the Baptist who would one day bring comfort and hope to God’s people after they had been judged for their sins. He gives them words to read when they are weary of persecution and trials. He reminds them that God is awake and aware of all they are going through and will be their salvation.
Ephesians is such a great book full of rich understanding and great prayers. It says that God wants us to know the mystery of his will and we are part of his will. He predestined us to be his children and when we believed that, he marked us with a seal which is the Holy Spirit. Now his power works in and through us. In the Old Testament, God spoke through the prophets but now he speaks to all of us individually in our hearts.
Lord, help us to walk in integrity, wisdom and your power. Speak to us today about the mystery of your will.

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