Thursday, July 27, 2017

Thur.’s Devo - Praise is Our Weapon

Read: 2 Chronicles 19:1-20:37; Romans 10:14-11:12; Psalm 21:1-13; Proverbs 20:4-6
Jehoshaphat returned from fighting with Ahab to God’s rebuke. God scolded him for fighting with his enemy, Israel, and not asking him first, then God commended him for ridding his land of idolatry and for his seeking Him.
Jehoshaphat traveled his land and turned the hearts of the people back to the Lord. He set the Levites and priests as judges and leaders among the cities and warned them to rule fairly and righteously or God would judge them.
The Ammonites and Moabites rose up against Judah and Jehoshaphat inquired of the Lord about what to do. He brought the people together to seek the Lord and fast. Jehoshaphat led the people in prayer for their nation. God spoke through Jahaziel, one of the prophets and told them that they would not have to fight this battle. They were just to stand firm, believing and God’s army would fight it. Jehoshaphat sent his men to face the enemy and appointed singers to sing and praise the Lord. As they began to sing, God’s army ambushed the enemy. They fought and killed one another so when the men of Judah arrived, there were dead bodies everywhere. They left with great spoils - more than they could carry.
The fear of the Lord fell on the other nations and they all left Judah alone. Judah enjoyed peace and rest.
This is a great lesson for us to learn. We are not to fight our battles but allow the Lord to do that for us. Our part is to let go and believe. Our weapon is praise.
In Romans, Paul makes it plain that Israel did not miss the Lord because they weren’t told. They had a very large voice in the mouth of Jesus, himself and yet they refused to believe it. God didn’t reject them all, only those who rejected him. Paul was a Jew and he chose to believe. The elect heard and believed and the others were hardened.
Lord, we give you our battles today and command the army of God to fight on our behalf. We will choose to praise You for your wonderful ways and your majesty.

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