Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thurs.’s Devo - The End of Job

Read: Job 40-42
Job’s response to God was total humility. He repented of questioning God’s wisdom and vowed to listen and wait on the Lord. God rebukes Job for accusing Him of being unjust. Then God compares Job’s weakness to the hippopotamus (behemoth) and the crocodile, dragon, or sea monster (Leviathan). Leviathan is a type of Satan who is afraid of nothing. If God can control them, then God can certainly control Job’s circumstances and ours.
Job has a new understanding of God because now he has experienced him. Before, he had knowledge and other’s opinions of God, but now he had a face-to-face encounter with God and everything has changed in his heart. Job experienced true repentance. Then God spoke to his friends and rebuked them for giving Job the wrong counsel. They were to offer up a sacrifice for Job and let Job pray for them. God stood up for Job and and called him righteous to his friends because Job had repented. God will always avenge the humble but humble the proud. When Job prayed for his friends who had become his enemies, God turned his captivity and blessed him with twice what he had lost. As a woman, I love the attention given to the three daughters of Job. Their names mean: Jemima - affectionate and warm; Kezia - cassia (which is an ornamental plant where we get cinnamon from); and Keren- happuch - which means the horn of cosmetic. They were beautiful woman who received the same inheritance as their brothers. All of Job’s past friends came and celebrated Job’s deliverance.
Job is a type of Jesus. He suffered here on earth beyond what any other man has ever suffered. He turned it into a blessing to all when he interceded for the world.
Jesus, thank you for your life here on earth and what it cost You to give us free grace and salvation.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Seeing Job as a type of Jesus, could the daughters represent Gentiles?