Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sun.’s Devo - Show Us Mighty Things!

Read: Jer. 33:1-34:22; 1 Tim. 4:1-16; Ps. 89:1-13; Pr. 25:23-24 I love Jeremiah 33:3, “Call unto me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you don’t know.” After disciplining Israel, God promises to heal them and give them peace and truth - to rebuild them and cleanse them from all their sins and pardon them. They will in turn be a name of joy and praise and honor to all the nations of the earth. The prosperity and goodness God pours out on them will be a testimony to the world. God did do that to Israel. He brought them back and blessed them. I can’t help praying this same prayer for America. First Timothy reminds us of staying in the truth in these last days. Paul warns Timothy not to let anyone intimidate him because he is so young but to be an example in everything he does. He was not to neglect the spiritual gift that was imparted to him in prayer or the prophesy given him, but to meditate on it, giving himself to it. The thing about a prophecy is that it is rarely for the right now. It is usually a seed that must be watered with faith and not forgotten. It is easy to get discouraged when we don’t see it play out when or how we perceived it would happen. I have received many prophecies and some of them took 20 years to manifest, some have already happened, and some are yet to happen. The key is to not lose heart but give yourself to the fact that it will happen in God’s timetable. Lord, you are greatly to be feared. All the earth and the heavens are Yours. Show us great and mighty things today from Your goodness.

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