Friday, April 11, 2014

Fri.’s Devo - Humiilty

Read: Deut. 3:1-4:24, Luke 14:7-35, Ps. 80:1-19, Pr. 12:27-28 God told Joshua that He was going to magnify him in the sight of the people but it doesn’t let us know if God told him how. The next thing we know is Joshua is telling the people to let the ark go first and when the priest’s feet touch the Jordan then the water will stop flowing and they will be able to walk over. How did Joshua know this would happen? I guess God told him it would. Anyway, it happened just as he said and just like it had when they crossed the Red Sea. The crossing of the Read Sea was their salvation. The crossing of the Jordan was their victory. Jesus told a parable about humility. It was directed toward the Pharisees. They were always lording their laws over the people and Jesus. They loved the recognition of man and were full of pride. Jesus was trying to get them to humble themselves now so God could exalt them later. What a great lesson. How many times does God have to remind me that I can do nothing without Him? I can relate to the children of Israel and how they rode this roller coaster of faith. Lord, help make our ways straight. We humbly tell You that we need You.

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