Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wed.’s Devo - The Last Three Feasts Explained

Read Numbers 28:16-29:40, Luke 3:23-38, Ps. 62:1-12, Pr. 11:18-19 I love the study and meaning of the feasts. Today we have all the feasts mentioned but attention is given to the last three feasts The first is the feast of trumpets on the first day of the seventh month. Jesus will come back at the sound of a trumpet in the end. On the tenth of the same month they were to sacrifice one bull, one ram, and seven lambs in a certain way. This is the day that to afflict your souls. It is a solemn day of atonement. This is known as the Day of Atonement, Yom Kipor or the beginning of the Days of Awe. On the fifteenth they were to sacrifice 13 bulls, 2 rams, and 14 lambs. Then it started counting like it was starting over naming the next day the second day. The sacrifices of that day are 12 bulls, 2 rams, and 14 lambs. The count down continues adding one to the days and subtracting one of bulls till it reached the seventh day which had 7 bull, 2 rams and 14 lambs. The eight day was a solemn assembly where the sacrifice goes back to what it was the tenth day. So here is what all that means: The fifteenth day is the feast of tabernacles which lasts 7 days. (Lev. 23:34) Jesus will come for his bride on the feast of trumpets, During the Days of Awe, there will be tribulation on the earth like never seen before in hopes that more people may come into the kingdom. The feast of tabernacles is the feast of ingathering which is a picture of God harvesting the rest of the world and ruling and reigning during the Millennial reign. The sacrifices got smaller because the people grew less and God is winding everything down to the end. Seven stands for complete so when they got to the 7th day with 7 bulls, 2 rams and 14 (two sevens) lambs it was time to start over. Eight is the number for new beginnings. In Luke we have Joseph’s genealogy which ends in Adam - the son of God. Adam was a type of Jesus who was also the son of God. (Ro. 5:14) Lord, our soul finds rest in You alone for You alone are our rock and salvation and because of You, we will never be shaken.

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