Monday, October 22, 2012

Mon.’s Devo - The Curtains

Read Ex. 26:41-24 I know that reading about curtains can’t be interesting reading, but since I do this for a living, it is pretty interesting to me. This linen had to be different than the linen I sew on that stretches and is so flimsy. This linen was finely twisted. Linen was made of flax and woven on looms. They dyed the flax blue and purple and scarlet and somehow wove it so that it had cherubim’s in it. It was described as “cunning work” which means well-thought out and artistically done work. What really amazes me and makes me glad I wasn’t living in that time and had to do this is that it was 42 feet long and 6 feet wide. My table is a little lacking for such a task. It was all one piece!!! It had to take some time to weave that linen. Not only did they have to do one curtain but 5! Then they had to put 50 blue loops on the edges to hold them up. Fifty gold knobs had to be made for the loops. When they finished that task, they had to make 11 curtains of goat’s hair and attach it all together with brass knobs so that it is one great big blanket to go over the top and hang down the sides to cover it. Over this they were to make a covering of ram’s skins dyed red, and a covering of badgers’ kins. Each covering was larger than the first to cover the more delicate fabrics. All these coverings represent the blood of Christ who covers us so that God sees us through the blood. God could accept their sacrifices through the blood of the skins that stood between him and the people. Lord, thank you that a new and living way has been made through the blood of your son. May you see us through that sacrifice and accept our worship of you today.

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