Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wed.’s Devo - The Sabbath Day

Read Ex. 20:8-11 This is another commandment that we don’t fully understand. The sabbath day is referring to a day when all work will cease. We know it as millennium. God created the world in 7 days. Each of these days represents a thousand year period of the earth. If you study what God did on the first day it was to move on a dark formless place and bring forth light. He named the light Day and the darkness Night. In the first 1000 years of man walking the earth God taught his children what good and bad was. (ex.: Cain and Abel) On the second day of creation God separated the waters that were above from the waters that were beneath. Waters is symbolic of spirits. So he separated evil spirits and sent them below and heavenly angels were sent to heaven. On earth, in the 2nd millennium, God sent the law to separate the holy from the profane. On the third day God created the seed and the fruit of that see conformed to the kind of seed it came rom. In the 3rd millennium, God called Abraham out and told him he would be a father to his people and his seed would conform to his image. On the forth day God created the Sun, Moon, and stars. The Sun refers to the trinity, the Moon is the church and the stars are the individual saints. They were to rule the heavens and effect the earth. In the 4th millennium Jesus Christ was sent to earth and he was to set up his rule over mankind. He died and gave his authority to the church. We are to rule over the earth and set God’s dominion over it. Whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven. We are to affect both heaven and earth. On the fifth day God created things that would fly and things that would swim. Once again there is a division of those that choose to fly with the Holy Spirit and those who choose to swim in the deep with the demons of hell. Jesus brought a sword that divided and it has been a spiritual battle ever since. On the sixth day God brought forth the animals and the beasts and God’s finale: man. We are living in this day when man is elevated as gods and animals are worshipped as well. This is also the Christians finest hour. This is the time when we will do the greater works that John 14:12 -14 talks about (“12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. 13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.”) The seventh day was the Sabbath and God rested. The 7th day for us will be Millennium and we are to remember this as a holy time. Lord, our day has come to arise as your church and be your hands extended. Give us boldness and power to move in your spirit to accomplish your will.

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