Monday, May 14, 2012

Mon.’s Devo - Getting the Blessing

Read Gen. 27:1-27
Isaac is dying and wants to pass the blessing to his first-born, Esau, but Esau forfeited that privilege when he sold his birthright to Jacob.  The blessing is part of the birthright but for some reason, Isaac didn’t want to give it to Jacob.  He loved Esau the most, Esau WAS his first born, and Esau would make him venison one last time before he died.  I don’t know if any or all of these factors came into place, but I do know that Rebekah wasn’t going to let it happen.  I wonder if Isaac forgot the prophecy when they were born that the younger would rule the older.  Anyway, while Esau was out hunting venison to feed his father, Rebekah had Jacob go and kill some goats in the pin and cook them like they were venison.  She wrapped his arms with skins so he would be hairy like Esau, and gave him Esau’s clothes to put on so he would smell like Esau.  Then he went in to trick his father into thinking he was Esau.  He did and it worked.  Isaac’s eye sight had gotten really bad so he couldn’t see the difference even though he noticed the voice was Esau’s.  Once he felt Jacob’s arms, tasted his food, and smelt his robe,  he was convinced enough to give his blessing.  Jacob went to a lot of trouble to get what was now legally his.  I wonder what would happen if we cared that much to get our inheritance.  It once belonged to the devil, but Jesus purchased it with his own blood and now the inheritance is ours if we go for it.
Lord, help us to do whatever it takes to get our full inheritance as children of an All-powerful God.

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