Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tues.’s Devo - Jesus is Examined

Read: Mark 14:53-72; Matthew 26:57-27:10; Luke 22:54-71; John 18:25-27
During the Passover of Moses time they were to select a young lamb and bring it into their house so they could examine it for 10 days to make sure it was spotless. If it had a blemish it could not be their passover lamb. Jesus was the Passover Lamb of God and from the time he entered into Jerusalem for the feast, he was being examined first by the religious leaders. He was finally brought into the home of the High Priest so he and his leaders could examine him. Since they couldn’t find any sin or fault in him they hired false witnesses, but they couldn’t get their story straight. Finally the High Priest asked him point blank if he was the Messiah. He answered, I AM and they pronounced him guilty of blasphemy and began to beat and spit on him.
Peter had followed Jesus and was listening from the courtyard of the High Priest’s house when the priest’s servant recognized him as Jesus’ follower. He denied it. She pointed him out again in front of people and he denied it again. Once more he denied knowing who Jesus was and the rooster crowed. Poor Peter! He was a picture of a Christian without the power of the Holy Spirit. He became a totally different person on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon him and he spoke boldly before a crowd of thousands of people. What a lesson to us. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to be a witness of Christ.
Lord, fill us anew with your Holy Spirit today. Empower us to be a witness everywhere we go.

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