Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wed.’s Devo - From Grace to Glory

Read: Mark 2
Mark 2 is much like Luke 5 which we read Monday. This is Mark’s viewpoint of the same miracles. Once again we are talking about putting new cloth on an old garment and new wine into old wineskins. Jesus came in with the new covenant which just didn’t fit the old. When Jesus teaches a new concept you have to look at what he is doing because it is always an example of what he is teaching. Everything Jesus both did and taught was new. He forgave sins which was blasphemy to the law. He healed the sick. And he called a tax collector to be his disciple. In the Old covenant a leader had to be someone that was righteous in following the law. Jesus ate with publicans and sinners which was totally unclean and unholy for a holy man to do. He rejected the self-righteous and chose the humble. His disciples didn’t fast on holy days. Jesus explained that it was not the time for fasting but feasting because the bridegroom was on the scene and the disciples recognized him. The religious didn’t. He even worked for food on the Sabbath - a big No No. He was trying to explain to them that the Sabbath was to be a reward of rest for man not a day of restriction and bondage.
Everything about the dispensation of grace opposed the dispensation of the law. Only the hearts that were ready for a change could make the switch. God is making the switch right now from grace to glory. I pray that our hearts can make the switch.
Lord, as we move into the days of tabernacling in your glory, help us to make the switch and not cling to the old.

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