Friday, October 2, 2015

Fri.’s Devo - The Coming of Christ

Read: Matthew 1; Luke 2:1-38
Matthew One is the genealogy of Joseph, Mary’s husband, showing that Jesus was legally from the lineage of David since Joseph was his legal father. I always think it is interesting that they name two women in the list which is highly unusual and very honoring. Tamar was a rejected woman who had to trick Judah to get her rightful heir and Ruth was a Moabite who married Boaz who was only half Jew. It is a reminder to us of God’s love for those abused and those grafted into the vine.
Luke Two opens with Caesar’s tax. While the kingdom of the world was taking from every person, God was sending the free gift of salvation to everyone. Little did he know his tax was being used by God to get Jesus to Bethlehem to be born. It was surely not convenient for Mary and Joseph but God’s ways are higher and he had said that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem which means “house of bread”. The bread of God was coming from heaven to earth just like the manna did in the wilderness. Only a few people celebrated his arrival: the shepherds and the angels. The name Jesus means “salvation”. Simeon and Anna both recognized him when he saw him and so did the wise men because they had all been looking and expecting him. God moves for those who are expecting him to move. He comes to those looking for him and he will be found by those who seek him with all their hearts.
Lord, may we be always seeking your face, always expecting you to move, and ever looking for your appearance. 

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