Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wed.'s Devo -Eternal Value

Read Pro. 16:18, 19
All my life I have heard this saying: "pride goes before destruction." I know what pride is but the word 'destruction' in the Hebrew means a fracture, a bruise, hurt, crashing, breaking, but specifically it means "a solution of a dream". We know what this verse is talking about in the negative but let's look at it in the positive side. One of the definitions of pride is excellency. So one interpretation is that pride and arrogance will always lead you to fail. But the flip side of that verse is that excellency will precede the fulfillment of a dream. That is comforting. The second part of this verse means just what it says: an arrogant spirit will cause you to totter and fall.
Jesus was such an example of an excellent spirit with every reason in the world to be puffed up in pride, but chose humility. He had just what he needed to live and was totally satisfied. He knew there was nothing on earth that was worth having if it meant losing what was ahead. He had his sights on eternity for the whole human race. When we keep the big picture in mind we don't get tripped over the everyday trials and the glitter of the world.
Lord, expand our vision to eternity and what is really of value to you.

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