Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tues.'s Devo - Desire Vs. Greed

Read Pro. 15:27
The dictionary says that "greedy" means - "wanting or taking all that one can get, with no thought of others needs: desiring more than one needs or deserves." Having that kind of evil desire will affect your whole family, especially if you are the head of the house. I have seen very wealthy people who live by the code of greed and they may have everything they could ever want but they need what they will never be able to buy. Their offspring inherit a heap of trouble and are not prepared to handle it with wisdom unless they find Jesus. But the last part of the verse says that if you hate bribes you will live. You might not get what you think you need at the time, but you will gain something much more eternally.
I think that we sometimes forget that we are surrounded by a crowd of witnesses that watch our walk. They cheer us on when we turn from evil and pray for us when we fall. We can so easily fall into the sin of greed when we see someone else being used powerfully by God. We have all been given gifts from God and it is wrong when we compare our gifts to other's gifts. God gives gifts as he wills because he has a purpose in everything he does. If we will be faithful to use our gifts then we will be given more. We are to desire earnestly spiritual gifts but never to be greedy of them. The difference between "earnestly desiring" and "greed" is the desire of our heart: are we wanting this for our own personal gain or for the benefit of God's people?
Lord, examine our hearts and burn out any seed of greed in us. We want to earnestly desire you and all you have so that we might benefit your body.

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