Monday, March 19, 2018

Mon.’s Devo - Rehearsals

Read: Numbers 28:16-29:40; Luke 3:23-38; Psalm 62:1-12; Proverbs 11:18-19
The feasts are explained over and over in the Bible to show the importance of them. The feasts are God’s timetable that every major event is measured by. The feasts are counted by the religious calendar which starts in Nisan with Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits. On the first day of the seventh month they were to celebrate the Feast of Trumpets. Ten days later they were to hold a sacred assembly with no work. On the fifteenth day they were to hold another sacred assembly and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. They were to offer 13 bulls plus a list of other sacrifices. Every day after was a countdown with one less bull until the number of bulls reached the number of days which was seven. Seven is completion. All the feasts were rehearsals for God’s big plan for the earth. Trumpets represents the Rapture of the church. The days between the first and the fifteenth represent the days of tribulation ending in Tabernacles where we will return with Jesus to the earth.
In Luke, we have the genealogy of Joseph which goes all the way back to Adam who was the son of God. Adam was a type of Jesus who was the son of God. First the natural Adam, then the spiritual Adam. Joseph’s line is the kingly line of David. All the patriarchs were in his line.

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