Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tues.’s Devo - Jesus Answers the Religious Leaders

Read: Mark 12:28-44; Matthew 22:41-23:39; Luke 20:41-21:4
The religious leaders were examining the lamb to see if they could find any blemish in him. They wanted to trap Jesus but he always ended up trapping them instead. When they asked Jesus which of the commandments was the most important, I wonder if they had an answer. Jesus gave the best answer and they couldn’t deny it. You can see the light coming on in the scribes heart.
Jesus asked them a question about whose son the Messiah would be. They said he would be the son of David. Jesus pointed out that David referred to the Messiah as his Lord. Son of the men had an answer to this.
Jesus came to make the way straight, to bring down every mountain and raise up every valley. This means that Jesus came to level the field. He came to bring the high and mighty religious leaders and exalt the humble harlots and sinners. He nailed the teacher of the law and the Pharisees calling them proud, arrogant and hypocrites. He went over the absurdity of their nit-picky laws and how they didn’t even make sense. Then he exalted the small gift of the poor widow who gave her two small coins. Her gift was everything she had which meant more in the kingdom than a great tithe from a wealthy hypocrite.
Lord, let our sacrifices and gifts be acceptable to you and given from a humble heart.

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