Friday, August 19, 2016

Fri.’s Devo - Parables of Israel

Read: Ezekiel 17-19
God gives Ezekiel a parable of two great eagles. The first one came and seized the top of a cedar tree in Lebanon. The Israelites referred to Jerusalem as Lebanon since so much of it was made from the cedars of Lebanon. This parable is explaining how Babylon came into Jerusalem and took off the cream of the crop of people and treasures from Jerusalem. When Babylon took over it had placed Zedikiah as the leader but the Israelites killed him and put Jehoiachin in his place. God was going to punish him for usurping the throne. He would be taken to Babylon and stand trial for his treason. Then God would take a new branch, the Messiah and plant him in the land. He will be fruitful and cause everyone who comes under his branches safe.
Israel had a saying about Israel, that if their forefathers sinned then the children would reap the consequences. But God was changing that saying to say if you sin you will reap your own consequences. They thought God was being unjust in this which just shows us how wrong their thinking was. God told them that he was not the one doing wrong…they were. He bold them to put their rebellion behind them and find a new heart and a new spirit so they could live and not die.
The choice is always ours to choose. We can have life or death.
Lord, we choose life and your way.

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