Saturday, January 9, 2016

Sat.’s Devo. It is All About Making the Right Choices

Read Gen. 25:27-34 - Gen 28:5
The Bible says that Esau was hated of God because he despised his birthright. Jacob was loved of God because he passionately pursued the birthright. Jacob’s name means “heel-catcher” which was something prophesied in the Garden that Jesus would do to the devil. Esau was wicked and stood for the unrighteous line - those not chosen. He gave up the eternal (his birthright) for the temporal (bowl of soup). Jacob was chosen. I don’t even try to understand this, I just have to believe it by faith.
I do reflect on Esau’s decision to sell his birthright for a pot of soup and it seems so trivial of Esau. But then, I wonder how many times we trade a deep treasure of God for something as trivial as a growling stomach. How many times have I chosen to turn on the TV instead of listening for the voice of God? It cost Esau so much…. I wonder what it is costing me.
It is easy to watch someone’s life from the bleachers and see things clearly. Did Isaac not know the stories of how Abraham lied about Sarah being his sister and how it went? He somehow couldn’t carry on the lesson to his life. He repeated the sins of his father.
When God says he is going to bless you, he means it. Isaac harvested one hundred times what he planted! That is phenomenal! He became so rich he intimidated the king who told him to leave. Then he comes to him and makes a covenant with him to secure his people so Isaac will never turn on them. Isaac consents and they stop fighting over wells. This is a picture of the harvest at the end. The harvest will be so plentiful it will intimidate the ungodly rulers of the earth.
Esau might have despised his birthright but he wanted the blessing. He might not have wanted the responsibility of the first born but he wanted all the freebies. Rebekah made sure Jacob got it all then she helped him escape. She was playing the role of the Holy Spirit in this story. I would have to believe Rebekah and Jacob were very close so this had to be hard on both of them.
Lord, help us to choose You over all else. We want to be a part of the harvest.

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