Friday, June 5, 2015

Fri.’s Devo - Cry Out!

Read: Pr. 7-9
The “apple of the eye” is referring to the pupil of the eye. It is what we see everything out of so verse 2 of chapter 7 is saying that we should see everything through the lens of the Word.
The “strange woman” (verse 5) has to do figuratively with foreign doctrine. To follow other gods is to commit spiritual adultery. Following the way of sin is alluring and intoxicating but the end leads to death and hell. The goodman in the story is Jesus who has left us bodily but he will return.
In Chapter 8, Solomon has personified wisdom. We know wisdom to be Jesus since He is the spirit of wisdom according to Isaiah 11:2. So Solomon is giving us a pre-picture of Jesus. He pictures Jesus experiencing the creation process in Genesis.
In Chapter 9, wisdom is calling to the foolish to come and be saved from their sins. The Hebrew meaning of “simple” and “foolish” are both the same. They mean silly and seductive. So they are not only hurting themselves but anyone else they can con into their lifestyle. Sinners love company. They are great evangelists to their cause and are in every spectrum of society. They think they are wise but are really stupid and deceived…on their way to hell.
Lord, open our eyes to the voices we hear around us and may we be those who cry out and invite people to wisdom.

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