Friday, March 13, 2015

Fri.’s Devo - Preparation for Entering into the Land

Read: Deut. 5-7
Moses called all the people together to read to them the commandments of the Lord. He wanted them to hear them before they entered into their land. None of these people were of the group that came out of Egypt or saw the smoke on the mountain when God gave them the commandments the first time except Caleb and Joshua. So Moses read the commandments to them and encouraged them strongly to follow them. He told them the blessings of keeping the law. He reminded them of all the times their parents tempted the Lord with their unbelief. All they had to do is obey the Lord and everything would go well with them. Sounds simple and it is just that simple. When we do what the Bible says then God will honor his Word and it will go well for us. He will love us and bless us - our family and our finances. He will take away our sicknesses and diseases and give them to those who hate us. God will drive our enemies out of our land. Following God is a win-win situation. Who could say no?
Lord, forgive us for making following You so complicated and scary. You are the only sure thing and we trust You with our day and our lives.

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