Friday, January 30, 2015

Fri.’s Devo - Empower Us!

Read: Ex. 1-3
The children of Israel started with 70 people in Egypt and grew to a multitude and were blessed until a new king came to rule. He was afraid of their numbers so he started oppressing them and making them slaves. What a picture of what the devil has done to the Christian. When we experience revival, the devil gets really nervous and comes up with any way he can to put us in bondage and enslave us. He will use addictions, our past, the economy, circumstances…anything to discourage us and steal from us our strength and our joy. God raised up Moses and drew him out of the water - the spirit of the land and planted him in the enemies’ palace to deliver his people. We run from the world like they are going to rub off on us and make us dirty. Maybe we are suppose to be right in the midst of them to bring them light and pilfer their goods. We need to stop being afraid of a power that is so inferior to what we carry.
Moses ran in fear, but God prepared a place for him to refuel spiritually. There he got a helpmeet and had an encounter with God. Our helpmeet is the Holy Spirit and our encounter is our salvation experience. His marching orders were to go back to face his fear and deliver God’s people out of that same fear and bondage. If the people of Israel were so numerous, why didn’t they rise up and stand up against the Pharaoh before now? It was because they had no leader. God is looking for leaders who will not be afraid of death or loss of reputation or getting out of their comfort zone. We have one life to live so let’s make it count for the Lord. Moses sure didn’t feel special or qualified and he wasn’t, but the one who called him was. All we need is a calling from an All-Powerful God.
Lord, we will not be afraid of the devil and his taunts but we will be strong and courageous!

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