Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sun.’s Devo - Discernmnt and Power

Read: Deut. 13:1-15:23, Luke 8:40-9:6, Ps. 71:1-24, Pr. 12:5-7 In Deuteronomy 13 we are warned about the false prophet. He can prophesy the future or do supernatural things but if he tries to lead others to worship idols - he is false. They had been deceived by Balaam and God didn’t want a repeat. In chapter 14 we are instructed about the clean and unclean. They were not to eat animals that slept during the day and came out at night or that lived off of dead things. These all describe the demons and their activities. The characteristics of what God told them they could eat will also show us how to discern a true prophet from a false. They were to eat animals that divided the hoof and had two claws and chewed the cud. This is a picture of those that stand on the Word which is a sword that divides soul and spirit. the hoof was a picture of this. If you are standing on the Word then you have a sure foundation to discern good from evil. You won’t fall because you are balanced. These two claws could represent the law and the prophets also. To chew the cud is a picture of eating the Word and being able to bring it back up when needed. Fish were clean if they had scales and fins. Scales are coverings that kept the fish clean and protected. Fins helped the fish with balance and direction. We need to be covered by the blood of Jesus which is our protection and sanctification. It also gives us direction and spiritual balance. Chapter 15 instructed the people in the year of release which was every seventh year. This is a picture of the seventh millennium where all will be restored back to God’s original plan in the garden. All slaves are set free and given provision for their freedom. We will no longer be slaves to sin but set free. We are to live spiritually in this state right now. Jesus spent his ministry showing us how to do what He did. Today, we see him give that authority to his disciples which are also us. We are to do the things He did with His name and authority. Your righteousness, O God, is very high, who have done great things! Who is like you!

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