Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sun.’s Devo - Babel’s Kingdom Vs. God’s

Read Gen. 11:1-13:4, Matt. 5:1-26, Ps. 5:1-12, Pro. 1:24-28 Gen 11:1 says that the whole earth was of one language and one speech. It sounds like it is saying the same thing, but speech means “purpose, power, reason” and language means “talk or words”. They both mean more than what we think of when we think of “language”. They thought the same and had the same basic beliefs. This unity gave them power. Enough power to be able to build a portal into heaven. Jesus spoke about this in John 10:10 as being thieves and robbers that come into the sheepfold by some other means than the door which is Jesus. Notice what they use to get there - burning bricks and slime. These are pictures of the materials found in hell. Their reason was to raise themselves up to heaven and make a name for themselves. Satan has been trying to do that forever. That was his quest when he rebelled in heaven. In today’s reading he using his subjects to do his dirty work. They would have succeeded because of their unity which empowered them if God hadn’t confounded their language so they couldn’t understand one another. They were scattered which was the one thing they didn’t want to happen (verse 4). This place was called Babel which will one day be called Babylon, which means “confusion”. It is Satan’s capital on earth. When ever we feel confused about God’s plan or what is going on in our lives we know who is bringing it. 1Co. 14:33 says that God is not the author of confusion but of peace. In Matt we have Jesus explaining his kingdom. He states that it is the meek that will inherit the earth, not the powerful. His subjects are the persecuted, not the exalted. Our deeds should point others to heaven….not to us. Let all who take refuge in you be glad: let us ever sing for joy!

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