Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tues.’s Devo - Our Convictions

Read Ro. 14:1-16 We might not have so many different denominations if we actually lived by these first few verses. Paul warns us not to argue over our convictions that have to do with what is lawful to do or not do. He is directing this to people who try to influence new believers into living by their standards. Their convictions are between them and God. God is more than able to show a person what is acceptable and what is not. It is not our job to judge any man. One day we will all give an account to God as to how we obeyed him. I wonder how many people judged Hosea when God told him to go and marry a prostitute. How can we know why or what God leads another person to do? We are to judge ourselves and be sure that we aren’t doing anything that would cause our brothers or sisters to lose faith or sin. I remember what a famous preacher once said when observing the freedom he noticed in other Christians and asked God about it. God’s response was, “others may, you may not.” There are things that I choose not to do strictly because I know it might be a wrong influence on others. God has given each man a conscience which has been influenced by what he has been taught and by his God-given nature. To defile this conscience is sin to that person. It is not necessarily sin to others. The Israelites didn’t know the things that God liked or hated till the law was given them to show them. We just need to be sensitive to the people around us and be motivated by love. I just got back from a mission trip to Ghana, Africa. We were told to wear long skirts there because pants were considered the dress of a prostitute. We honored their wishes even though we all wear pants in the US. Lord, help us to be motivated by love in everything we do.

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