Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thurs.’s Devo - Where is Wisdom Found?

Read Job 28 Job begins talking about 4 different kinds of metals that have to be searched for and taken out of the earth or out of stone. These metals come by hard work. The silver stands for knowledge; the gold for wisdom; the iron for strength; and the brass for judgment. He calls these “stones of darkness” because they are hidden under the earth much like God’s knowledge, wisdom, strength, and judgments seem to be. They are ours only if we unearth them with a cost. Then we are no longer in the dark about the hidden things of God like death and hidden secrets. Verse 4 speaks of a flood which a miner might accidentally run into that is full of metal. Spiritually it is speaking of a person who mines the Word for the secrets of God. He stumbles on a flood of revelation that is full of nuggets. On the surface it is bread to our souls but underneath is where the fire burns the metal and makes it pure. We can read the Bible and it will feed us spiritually or we can go beneath the surface where the fire of God will purge our hearts. Then those metals will bring forth sapphires and gold. Sapphires were used for scratching other substance which reminds me of the verse: “Iron sharpens iron so a man sharpens the countenance of his friends.” God’s throne is the color of sapphire and it is also a stone in the priest’s breastplate. God has paths that no bird or beast has ever found just as he has heavenly portals that no created being knows of. He can open mountains to reveal precious stones just like he can open his Word and give us truth that no previous person has unearthed. He can cut out rivers among the rocks just as he can cause us to find precious things that are hidden among the Word (rocks). Jesus told us in Matt. 13:11 that it is for us to know the mysteries of heaven. Proverbs tells us that wisdom and knowledge and understanding can be ours by fearing God and searching for Him with all our hearts. Wisdom is only found in God. It can’t be bought nor is there anything on earth compared to God’s wisdom. Job realizes in the last verse that wisdom is found in fearing God. Understanding is found when you depart from evil. Lord, we desire You above all else, and You are wisdom.

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