Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thur.s’ Devo - The Power of the Tongue

Read James 3:1-4

This first verse always makes me tremble because I am a teacher. We will be judged harsher because we are in the position to effect so many people’s faith. I pray that I rightly divide the word of truth and not just give my opinion. I want us to be this perfect man in the second verse that doesn’t err in what he says, because if we can control what we say, then we can control our whole body. We all know that feeling we get right before we are about to open our mouths and speak something off the mark. We do have the power to stop before we say it. Our tongues are a small percentage of our body but controls everything about us. With our tongue we can produce life or death, healing or destruction. It is compared to the rudder of a ship which determines which way the ship goes. How powerful: with our tongues we create our destiny. Do you want to be well and prosperous? Then speak it and believe it in your heart. Do you want to have victory over a besetting sin? Then speak deliverance. Look at verse 4 again. It gives the picture of a ship that is being battered by fierce winds. The winds are above the surface (what we see with our eyes as we look on our situations), but the rudder is underneath in the spirit realm where no one can see it. It is the key to keeping the boat from being tossed around the sea. Our words are like that. They can anchor us and keep us on the course. If you don’t know what to say then the best thing to do is find a scripture concerning your situation and read it out loud and keep reading it till it is in your heart. The devil hates the Word and has to flee. The spirit of God in us is strengthened by the Word and rises up to perform it on your behalf. Jesus spoke to the waves that were threatening the disciples’ boat and said, “Peace be still” and the waves obeyed. He has given us that power.

Lord, give us your words to defeat the enemy and let us glorify you in our speech.

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