Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tues.’s Devo - God’s Response

Read Isa. 65:1-25

This is God’s response to Isaiah’s prayer. God has made himself available to those that were not even looking for him. He has reached out to nations that were not called his. He has reached out to people who did not reach back, whose thoughts were only of themselves. He has endured their idol worship, their detestable sins, and their arrogance till his cup of anger is finally full. It is time for judgment. But even though the sins of their fathers have caused most of God’s anger he sees that there is this remnant he refers to as “new wine” that has come forth and for their sake he will save them. From this remnant he will bring forth Jesus from the tribe of Judah. He will inherit the mountains of Jerusalem and my people will live there. But for those who forsook the Lord, they will die in battle. They will die spiritually hungry, thirsty, and ashamed. While my true disciples will be singing and rejoicing, they will be crying for sorrow and affliction. Their name will be remembered as a curse because God will kill them and leave their inheritance to his people. Then God will usher in a new millennium: new heavens and a new earth and we will not even remember the last earth. We can rejoice is what God is going to do because it will cause Jerusalem to rejoice and the people to have joy. They will no longer cry or weep. People of that dispensation will not die before their time. They will live to be 100 and build houses and live in them. We will eat the fruit of our labor and not have loss. They will be a righteous seed so whatever we plant will be blessed of the Lord. They will walk with God like Adam did in the garden. God will hear their thoughts and answer them before they have time to voice their petition. Even the animals will live in peace with one another. There will be no violence in Jerusalem. Whether or not we will be present in this millennium I don’t know but I do know that if will be glorious and God does all things good.

Lord, you always have a happy ending for you children. Thank you, that we can trust you even if we don’t understand it all.

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