Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wed.'s Devo - May God Arise!

Read Isa 10:12-27
God's judgment was first on the "house of God", Jerusalem, then turned to Assyria. Assyria may be the axe and the saw but God is in control and he is wielding the implements. Because Assyria refused to see God's hand in their victory God is going to visit them with disease and the "light of Israel" would devour the Assyrian soldiers in a single day. In verses 20-23 Isaiah is looking into the future to the time when the remnant will return to Israel from Babylon. God encourages them with hope that there will come a time when God will not be angry with them anymore and the destruction will cease. He compares this time to that when Gideon defeated the Midianites and when Moses parted the Red Sea with his rod. Both times a small group of people were against a huge enemy army and God fought for them and delivered them in a miraculous way. Verse 27 says that they will be alleviated of the burden of their oppressor because of the anointing on them. May this be the same for America. God always rebuilds what he destroys if it is his people. His message is repent and be saved; it is always a message with hope. We are experiencing great judgment and sorrow and no answers except for God. He is the only one who knows how to fix our economic, political, spiritual, problems and he can do it in a day if he chooses. I drove to Shreveport to visit my grand babies and the whole trip I listened to a conference on the Oak Initiative which is a Christian coalition Rick Joiner has started with real answers for our country which start with repenting and getting spiritually right with God then putting Christian men and women into leadership roles in our nation. It was so hopeful and encouraging. If you are interesting in learning more about it just Google Oak Initiative. Now is the time for us to be united as believers over Jesus and our nation, not doctrine.
Lord, raise up godly leaders for our nation and forgive us of thinking we could do anything apart from you. We acknowledge that YOU are God over America and the whole earth!

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