Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tues.'s Devo - Use Your Gifts

Read Pro. 19:24
If there is one thing I don't want to be it is slothful. A person that is slothful is lazy and takes the gifts that God has given him and hides them. He doesn't use them for anyone and few even know he has these gifts. Our gifts are given to us to share them with the body and the world. What if Jesus had hidden his gift of healing? He used his gift of healing to bring the people to him so that they could hear his message of the kingdom. Our gifts get us into places we could have never gotten in on our own and it we can use it to share the Lord. I have seen this happen countless times in my business. Yesterday I was able to help a friend decorate her daughter-in-law's house for a Christmas present. I received no monetary reward, in fact, it cost me but I needed to do that. In my own life I was behind this month financially in my business so it was a perfect time to plant seed. Doing for others takes the self-pity away and replaces it with gratefulness. Isn't that what Christmas is all about....doing for others. So let's not be slothful with our gifts but let's give them out freely and let them open doors of ministry.

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