Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thurs.'s Devo - What Month are You In?

Read 1 Chron 27:1-9
Every month 24,000 different men served in the kingdom. I think that these month describe the progression of us individually and us as a body called the Church. I'm going to describe each month's events by the names of the leaders of that course. The first month the people returned to David. Remember the kingdom was divided when David became king and many were for Saul and many were from David. Once David set up his kingdom the one's from Saul's camp started coming back. Once we as a church get set up like God intends many who have been disillusioned by the church will come back. I see that happening now.
In the 2nd month a sense of brotherhood and godly leadership was established. God will bond people together and raise up leaders to lead God's people.
In the 3rd month God started building his name and people gave to his work. Once people see the integrity of the leaders God sets up they will want to join in the work and give willingly.
In the 4th month God strengthened his kingdom and showed them his power. Once we get the revelation that the God of this Universe is our father we will move in power.
In the 5th month in their desolation they cherished the Lord. When we realize what we are without God and how he is all that is good about us we will cherish his grace and his love.
In the 6th month God gave them spiritual eyes to speak out on the perversity of sin. Once we understand the love of God he has to shine the light on our sin so we can be set free.
Lord, show us what month we are in and give us grace to progress through the year.

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