Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sunday's Devo - He Passed Over

Today we celebrate Easter in our churches. Everywhere pastors will be preaching about the Ressurection and the Cross. God gave me a peek into a closer look of the cross the other day. I thought I blogged about it but when I went to find it I couldn't so today is the perfect day. I was reading in Matt 27:45 about when Jesus was being crucified and darkness fell across the whole land from the 6th to the 9th hour. This searcing led me to Psalms 18 where David is prophetically speaking for Jesus. He is feeling the anquish on the cross. Death is closing in on Jesus and ungodly men are terrorizing him. In his distress he cried out to his father who bent the heavens, clothed himself in darkness and came down to be with his son during his final hours on the cross. He rode on a cherib and hid himself in thick clouds. He had to fight through hail and coals of fire with his arrows. As soon as God's tangible presence left and it was light again, Jesus cried out, "My God, why have your forsaken me." and died. God hadn't really forsaken him, he had just visibly left. Jesus felt everything like we do and after a "close encounter" we feel abandoned. God promised Jesus he would never leave him or forsake him just as he promises us. At the first Passover, the Lord passed over Egypt and received the sacrifice of those who applied the blood on the doorposts. The Lord passed over Jesus and received the sacrifice and the blood on "The Door" and brought life to all who would enter into this door and find safety.
Lord, we can not thank you enough for sending your son to die for us and save us from death. May we be faithful to bring others into the shelter of that door.

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